Hello and welcome to ARES/RACES of Delaware County Pennsylvania!  Here are links to other areas of our website to help get you started off.

Weekly Delco ARES Nets

First off, if you're a licensed Amateur Radio operator, you are invited to join our weekly Net on Monday evenings.  You don't need to be a member of Delco ARES to join in!

Analog, Monday, 19:30 on W3KG
Digital, Monday, 20:15 on W3AEC - DELSTAR West Digital Repeater System

All Amateur Radio operators are encouraged to participate in the weekly Delaware County ARES-RACES Analog Net held each Monday evening at 19:30 hours local time on the W3KG repeater in Delaware County. The directed net is used a drill and emergency communications protocols are followed. Important announcements concerning operating activities and upcoming events are made during the net. ARES team members are encouraged to operate via emergency power during the weekly nets to test batteries and equipment. Hope to hear you there!

Link: https://www.delcoares.net/weekly-net

Net Schedule Delco ARES

Net Day





Monday 7:00 pm Delco ARES Monthly Meeting - 2nd Monday Chris Kelleher Chris Kelleher
Delco ARES Training Chris Kelleher Chris Kelleher
Delco ARES Administrative Chris Kelleher Chris Kelleher
Saturday 10:00 am Delco ARES Get Together Chris Kelleher Chris Kelleher
Saturday 10:00 am Delco ARES Radio Channel Propagation Testing DC R1 W3KG BOOTHWYN Chris Kelleher Chris Kelleher
Delco ARES Simulated Emergency Test (SET) DC R1 W3KG BOOTHWYN Chris Kelleher Chris Kelleher
2:00 pm Delco ARES Field Day DC R1 W3KG BOOTHWYN Chris Kelleher Chris Kelleher
5:00 pm Delco ARES National Night Out Chris Kelleher Chris Kelleher

Repeaters for Delco ARES

Channel Name



Off Freq

Off Dir




DC R1 W3KG BOOTHWYN 446.775 441.775 5 - Minus FM Tone 88.5 Hz
DD DW W3AEC LIMA 440.05625 445.05625 5 + Plus DV None

Delco ARES Channels

Here is a list of channels that we use in Delaware County, as programmed on our Go Kits.

Link: https://www.delcoares.net/ares-repeaters/delco-ares-channels-and-repeaters/channels

New Member Application

If you're a licensed Amateur Radio operator interested in volunteering with Delaware County ARES-RACES, please complete a membership application.

Link: https://www.delcoares.net/join-ares-races/submit-application


All volunteers for Delco ARES (and our parent organization, Citizens Corp of Delaware County) are required to signup on SERVPA

SERVPA is your secure, confidential volunteer registry site. Registering through SERVPA simply tells us that you are open to the idea of volunteering in case of an emergency and provides us a little about your background, preferences, and constraints. It does not guarantee that you will be called upon, nor does it mean that you must participate if called. If you are called to volunteer, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the specific event and the commitment required. You can then choose if volunteering for the specific event is right for you.

During the online registration process, you will be asked to enter information regarding the best way to contact you, any active licenses or certifications, and other relevant background data.

If you have already completed the registration process or wish to return to a registration which you've started but not completed, you can log in and update your profile.

When associating with an organization, be sure to select Ham Radio Operators → Delaware County ARES.

You should login to SERVPA on a regular basis (we suggest monthly) in order to verify your information, update any certifications/training, and to keep your account active.  SERVPA will regularly require password changes and will also silently remove your account if it is inactive for a period of time.

Instructions: https://www.delcoares.net/ares/servpa

Link: https://www.serv.pa.gov/

Microsoft Account Access

At DelcoARES, each member is assigned a Microsoft Account with an email address in the format of CALLSIGN@delcoares.net.  This account allows access to Microsoft services, and also acts as your login to the Members section of the DelcoARES website as well.

Link: https://www.delcoares.net/microsoft-account-access


Training is critical to the mission of Delaware County ARES-RACES. Like other emergency personnel and first responders, experience gained through training and drilling results in positive outcomes for communications volunteers. ARES-RACES units are dedicated to training and devote much effort to learning necessary skills and protocols. As new technologies, techniques and protocols in communication emerge, ARES-RACES personnel must stay one step ahead to provide the high level of professionalism expected by the agencies they serve.

Link: https://www.delcoares.net/training


Documentation for Delaware County ARES-RACES members is all organized and printable from this section here.

Link: https://www.delcoares.net/documentation

Standard Operating Procedures

Emergency and Standard Operating Procedures for Delaware County ARES/RACES members. You’ll find what to do in an emergency, items to have ready in your go bag, and the Delco ARES and ARES manuals.

Link: https://www.delcoares.net/standard-operating-procedures